Things You Need to Know for Our
COMPUTER UPGRADE on June 21, 2022!
As we have been communicating, we are preparing to upgrade our computer system in June.
Following the upgrade, we'll be able to offer members E-Statements and Online Bill Pay!
We've summarized the important facts you need to know.
What Will Happen During Upgrade Weekend (Friday, June 18- June 20)
In order to accomplish a smooth conversion from the old system to the new system,
we will close on Monday, June 20th 2022.
Debit Cards. Will remain available and debit card use will be unaffected.
Account History. Member access to prior account history may be affected as
of June 20th. We will have more information on this later but for now we
encourage you to keep your bank statements. You should have received an off
cycle statement for May 2022 for this reason. If there are statements you think
you may need, call us immediately.
Branch Hours. Our business hours will remain the same, with the exception of
the closure on Monday, June 20
Online & Mobile Banking. Starting June 20th the current mobile app will be
unavailable for 3-5 days during the conversion. Online banking will remain,
What Will Stay the Same After the Upgrade
Account Numbers. Your existing base account
number(s) will remain unaffected by our computer
system upgrade, however, account suffixes will
Debit and Credit Cards. Existing cards will continue to
work after our system upgrade, PINs will also remain
Please note: Though your base member account number will not
change, the account suffixes will be changing. Before setting up
any new direct deposits (after 6/21/2022), electronic
transactions, or ordering checks, please contact us to verity vou
nave the correct Intormaon
Checks. You can continue to use your current supply
of checks; you will see a slightly different number at
the bottom of your checks when you do place a new
order after the upgrade.
Direct Deposit of Payroll, Pension, and Social Security.
This will continue to post to your account as they
do today. Please note: In order to complete the
transition to our new system, direct deposits with an
effective date of June 20th will post even though the
credit union is not open on June 20th.
What's New After the Upgrade?
Online Banking. Starting June 21st, members will be required to re-enroll in our new online
banking. Visit our website, and click on the It's Me 247 Online Banking
button. Enter your member number and your temporary password (which will be the last
four digits of the primary member's Social Security Number). For security purposes, you
will be prompted to change your temporary password to a permanent password and set up
security questions in order to finish logging in the first time.
New Telephone Teller CU*Talk & text banking
E-statements and Bill Pay Will now be available.
Sign up through online banking beginning June 21st
New mobile app & new sign in - Some members may need to re-download the app depending on what phone you have. I he new app will be available for download after 6/27/2022
RDC - Remote Deposit Capture A.K.A Mobile check depositing
Facial Recognition- The new app will feature facial recognition and thumbprint recognition
The entire BCEFCU staff would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we work through our system upgrade. Wait times may be longer than normal as we assist our members with our new and improved services
As a thank you we will provide special refreshments in our lobby Tuesday June 21 - Friday June 24
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a "computer upgrade" mean at the credit union?
The credit union has a "core processing system" which is the computer system that
TCCU uses to maintain Members' accounts and loans, and to process transactions.
We are moving all of the data off the old system onto the new system that will allow
us to offer more services to our members.
Is my personal data safe during the upgrade?
Yes, your personal data and account information will be safe and secure, as always.
Are my funds still safe and secure?
Yes, your funds remain secure. All TCCU accounts will continue to be insured by the
National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Share Insurance Fund up to $250,000
per account.
2817 16th St,
Bakersfield. CA 93301
(661) 861-6151
Serving anyone who
works for the City of